The cast of 2006 World Series of Poker - 2006 includes: David Devilfish Ulliott as himself Jack Effel as Tournament Director (2006) Sam Farha as himself Gus Hansen as himself
Chris Ferguson
I think it was poker
It is Unknow, cause he bet it on poker around 1960.
Burned Popped them with a red hot poker
In poker, the one-eyed jacks card (the Jack of Hearts and the Jack of Spades) is significant because they are the only two jacks in a standard deck of cards that are depicted in profile, showing only one eye. This unique design makes them easily distinguishable from the other jacks, which are depicted in a frontal view. Players may use this distinction to their advantage in certain variations of poker where knowing which specific jack is in play can affect strategy and decision-making.
The cast of World Series of Poker - 2012 includes: Burton Ritchie as Himself - Player
The cast of Poker - 1996 includes: Dan Kozlowski as David
The cast of Poker Face - 2014 includes: Josh Henry as Stephen
The cast of Stud Poker - 2009 includes: Mike Chase as Gotrocks
The cast of Cash Poker - 2007 includes: Brian Mollica as Host
The cast of Indian Poker - 1993 includes: Craig Schlattman as The Dealer
The cast of Poker News - 2006 includes: Kara Scott as Host
The cast of Poker Paid - 1913 includes: Robert Fischer as Tom Smithson
The cast of Billy Plays Poker - 1913 includes: Billy Quirk as Billy
The cast of Slots with Video Poker - 1997 includes: James Coburn as Host
The cast of Poker - 1989 includes: Jeffrey Hutchinson as Scott Dean Rupert Briggs as Joe
The cast of World Series of Poker Tournament of Champions - 2006 includes: Jack Effel as Tounament Director Marc Graue as Additional Voices Bruce Silverman as Additional voices Brian Talbot as Additional Voices