Paul Gascoigne played for a while...
Yes, there have a been a few pro soccer players that were deaf. They include Stefan Markolf of Germany, Athiel Mbaha of Namibia, and Felicia Schroeder, a female pro soccer player from Germany.
Jeremi of Germany
Argentina played West Germany in the 1986 and 1990 Soccer World Cup Finals.
John Terry
Paul Gascoigne played for a while...
Yes, there have a been a few pro soccer players that were deaf. They include Stefan Markolf of Germany, Athiel Mbaha of Namibia, and Felicia Schroeder, a female pro soccer player from Germany.
Do you mean Germany players? if yes just tell me which game you have to answer you because there are different players.
Jeremi of Germany
The England players do receive a fee for representing their country. As at this time, June 2009, they donate that fee to a charity.
All soccer players? No. Some? Yes. Soccer is played by people from all walks of life.
David Beckham
Football (soccer).
There are probably millions of Muslim soccer players. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world (by population), and is played in most (if not all) Islamic nations.
Jhon Terry
the first to play soccer (football) was the roman they would have hundred of players but no referee