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Both. The first ever Winter Olympics were held in Chamonix, France in 1924. The 1924 Summer Olympics were held in Paris, France.

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Q: Was the 1924 Olympics winter or summer?
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When did the summer and winter Olympics begin?

Summer: 1896 Winter: 1924

How many countries participated in 1924 Olympics's?

44 countries participated in the 1924 Summer Olympics. 16 countries participated in the 1924 Winter Olympics.

How many years passed between the end Olympics and the beginning of modern Olympics?

the first winter Olympics were held on 1924 the first winter Olympics were in 1924 in chamonix,France

Where were the 1924 Olympics?

Summer: Paris, France Winter: Chamonix, France.

Where was the Olympic games held in the year 1924?

The 1924 Winter Olympics were held in Chamonix, France and the 1924 Summer Olympics were held in Paris, France.

Where was the 1st winter and summer Olympics held in the same year?

France.The 1924 Winter Games were held in Chamonix and the 1924 Summer Games were held in Paris.

Where did the 1924 Olympics take place?

The summer 1924 Olympics were held in Paris,France. The winter games were held in Chamonix, France

Where were the 1924 olympic games held?

The 1924 Summer Olympics were held in Paris, France. The 1924 Winter Olympics, the first ones held, were in Chamonix, France.

What country was barred from competing in the 1924 and 1948 Winter and Summer Olympics?


How many modern Winter and Summer Olympics have been held as of 2009?

27 Summer Olympics, 3 were canceled. 20 winter Olympic games, 2 were canceled. The major difference in numbers is because the summer Olympics started in 1896, while the winter Olympics started in 1924.

What year did hockey start in the Olympics?

It started in 1920 in the summer Olympics then was transferd permanently to the winter games in 1924.

What two Winter Olympic games were from the Summer Olympic games?

Prior to the first Winter Olympics in 1924, both ice hockey and figure skating were competed at the Summer Olympics. Once the Winter Olympics started, those two sports moved from the Summer Games to the Winter Games.