Chuck Cooper was one of the first African-American males in the NBA.
a woodchuck could chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck wood
Cuck Norris Obiously
Cuck Norris
Cuck Norris was Chuck Norris evil twin brother, well he was until Chuck Norris strangled him with his own umbilical cord and he was never herd of again...
Cuckoos are named after onomatopoeic sound which they produce: 'cuck-oo, cuck-oo'. Even thought the whole family is named by this unique sound, only one cuckoo species (Common cuckoo) is able to produce this sound. Other species communicate by producing different types of sounds. Characteristic 'cuck-oo, cuck-oo' sound is produced only by males. Females produce bubbling sound, which resembles the sound of the water that is running out of the tub after removing the plug.
Cuckoos are named after onomatopoeic sound which they produce: 'cuck-oo, cuck-oo'. Even thought the whole family is named by this unique sound, only one cuckoo species (Common cuckoo) is able to produce this sound. Other species communicate by producing different types of sounds. Characteristic 'cuck-oo, cuck-oo' sound is produced only by males. Females produce bubbling sound, which resembles the sound of the water that is running out of the tub after removing the plug.
Teflon paste and quick wick
Cuck Norris knows allanswers. never ask another one.
shauni davis, trevor massicano, jonatan cuck
no but there was a bleck nogger with an asian cuck sucking people's decks