i dont think so, they probably used rocks or something for the ball, no one really knows.
The advantages of using a lacrosse stick are a full extended grip and a net to cradle the ball
People got to Rome in ancient times by using the roads and either riding in a cart or on a horse or by walking.People got to Rome in ancient times by using the roads and either riding in a cart or on a horse or by walking.People got to Rome in ancient times by using the roads and either riding in a cart or on a horse or by walking.People got to Rome in ancient times by using the roads and either riding in a cart or on a horse or by walking.People got to Rome in ancient times by using the roads and either riding in a cart or on a horse or by walking.People got to Rome in ancient times by using the roads and either riding in a cart or on a horse or by walking.People got to Rome in ancient times by using the roads and either riding in a cart or on a horse or by walking.People got to Rome in ancient times by using the roads and either riding in a cart or on a horse or by walking.People got to Rome in ancient times by using the roads and either riding in a cart or on a horse or by walking.
They had to rebuild the city of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Scientists can determine the age of some ancient artifacts using carbon-14 dating.
By walling their cities and establishing citadels for refuge. By fighting in front of their cities. By having navies. By forming defensive leagues with other cities. By training for warfare in their spare time. By hiring mercenaries.
lax was played by indians, using heads as the ball and sticks with nets as the sticks
baseball, basketball, and volleyball
Lacrosse is a native origin game, it was played to train for war,moarn a death, or honor a god. Lacrosse was first seen and documented by a french soldier who called it lacrosse because of them using sticks. The first person to make a club and might as well be the father of lacrosse was Dr. William George Beers.
No, lacrosse is not the same thing as field hockey. In field hockey you use a stick with a curved base on the ground and hit it to your team mate, or you can dribble it up the field. The goal in field hockey is much bigger than a lacrosse goal. In lacrosse you throw and catch a ball using a stick with a net and you can run with the ball in you stick. Lacrosse is a much faster paced game too. In lacrosse you wear eye protection and a mouth guard, in field hockey you wear shin guards and a mouth guard. Both sports are really fun.
how do animals protect themselves from their enemies by using there mouth parts
Lacrosse is a game played by a team using a small rubber ball and a stick with a long handle called a crosse. It is physical sport with a fair amount of player contact so padding and defence mechanisms are always worn. Women's lacrosse is usually played at college or university institutes or alternatively there are community teams that one can join.
Lacrosse is a sport played around the world, originally this sport was played by the native Americans to settle tribal disputes seeing as how its better then thousands of their tribesman ding it was a much more humane way of settling situations, this sport is played by using sticks with nets on the ends of them, there used to pass the ball down to the opposing side of the field in hopes of making a goal.... the sport is a mixture of football hockey and soccer by most means.
yes, only to a certain point, then u would have to actually start using your left hand in lacrosse
I believe lacrosse was named lacrosse because the head of the stick (the pocket/net) is called la Crosse in french. France, England and Eastern Europe is where it originated out of and so the name stuck.
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Using a stinger