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No, Joseph Stalin was. Lenin had died in 1924. World War 2 ended on August 14, 1945 with the surrender of Japan. Stalin had taken full control of the USSR in 1929 and kept it until his death in 1953.

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Q: Was Vladimir Lenin in control of the nation after world war 2 ended?
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Who became leader at the end of the Russian Revolution of 1917?

Vladimir Lenin was the leader of Russi at the end of World War 1. The war ended in 1918 and Lenin was in power until his death in 1924.

How did Lenin die in the Russian Revolution?

Vladimir Lenin did not die in the Russian Revolution. He survived not only the revolution but also the following Russian civil War, which ended in 1920. Lenin died in 1924 of natural causes after suffering three strokes beginning in 1922.

What is the popular name of lenin?

Vladimir Lenin was a Russian politician, revolutionary and leader of Soviet Socialist republic from 1917 till his death in 1922. His full name was Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov but he adopted his more famous alias 'Lenin' in 1901 after his exile to Siberia ended.

When did Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov start calling himself Lenin?

He adopted the name Lenin in 1901 shortly after his three year exile to Siberia ended in 1900. The name is thought to have come from the name of the River Lena, which flows through Siberia.

Who did Vladimir Lenin have concerns about on his deathbed?

He was worried about who would take power, he had trust in both Stalin, and Trotsky, but they ended up failing his vision in the end

Was Vladimir Lenin alive to see the Russian revolution end?

Yes, the 1917 Revolutions ended in that year; however, after that the Russian Civil War between the Bolshevik Red Army and the opposition White armies soon broke out. The Civil War ended in Bolshevik success in 1920. Lenin died in 1924.

When did Order of Lenin end?

Order of Lenin ended in 1991.

What kind of leader was trotsky?

Leon Trotsky never acted as a leader. The Communist was originally elected to be a successor to Vladimir Lenin, but Joseph Stalin ended up taking the spot.

Who was the Russian leader during Worl War one?

Tsar Nicholas. He was overthrown by Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheiviks shortly before World War 1 ended. NicholasII and his entire family were slaughtered in 1918.

What effect did Vladimir Lenin seizing control have on Russia's role in World War 1?

Lenin ended Russia's participation in WW I, recognizing the need to concentrate Russia's efforts on establishing their own new government, since the 1917 Revolution had only just occurred not long before he took over.

Who led after Lenin in World War 1?

No one led Russia after Lenin in World War I. Lenin ended Russia's involvement in World War I by signing the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk in 1918. World War I ended several months later in 1919. Lenin remained fully in power after the war ended.

Who was the leader of Russia that ended Russia's involvement in ww1?
