no he didn't he invented ringette and i think it is very insulting to even think that
Canada By Sam Jacks also the inventor of Ringette
The inventor you seek was Sam Slater a British mechanic who brought plans about the textile industry into America.
Billy Dickholderno created the game in 1200B.C
Sam Cooper - 1933 Sam Francis - 1939 Sam Boyd - 1939-40 Sam Davis - 1967-79
yes he is and he likes it
Canada By Sam Jacks also the inventor of Ringette
Sam Jacks died in 1975.
Although it was believed for many years to have been invented by a Brunswick Billiards employee named Bob Lemieux in 1972, Air Hockey was actually invented by a trio of Brunswick engineers - Phil Crossman, Bob Kendrick, and Brad Baldwin - who were attempting to create a game utilizing a frictionless surface, circa 1969.
Ringette was developed by Sam Jacks in 1963 in North Bay, Ontario.
Sam Jacks developed the sport of ringette in 1963 in North Bay, Ontario, Canada as a way to provide more opportunities for girls to participate in ice sports.
jacks tribe on ch. 11
The famous ringette player is Sam Jacks in 1963.
Candy entrepreneur and inventor Sam Born was born in Russia and emigrated to the United States in 1910.
Candy entrepreneur and inventor Sam Born was born in Russia and emigrated to the United States in 1910.
Sam Cooke was indeed a hero he was one the king and inventor of soul music until he was shot at the hands of Bertha Franklin.
Sam and Eric; the twins, also called Samneric in the book