yes he invented the shot and it is yet to be imitated by any other player
The skyhook is a signature move invented and made famous by Kareem Abdul Jabbar. It involves the shooter extending their arm and releasing the ball in a sweeping motion, aiming to shoot the ball over their defender's reach. The skyhook is known for being nearly impossible to block and was a major factor in Abdul Jabbar becoming the NBA's all-time leading scorer.
what did Kareem Abdul study in college
Kareem Abdul Jabbar was born Ferdinand Lewis Alcindor, Jr.
Former NBA player Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is married to Habiba Abdul-Jabbar. The couple has 3 children named Habiba, Sultana and Kareem Jr.
Yes. Lew Alcindor changed his name to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in 1971.
Yes, Kareem has a son.
Kareem Abdul Jabbar
Kareem Abdul Jabbar is straight.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is a Muslim.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was born on April 16, 1947.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar attended the University of California.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was born on April 16, 1947.
Kareem Abdul Jabbar
As of December 17, 2007 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is still living.
how did Kareem Abdul Jabbar drive cars due to his height
what did Kareem Abdul study in college
Habiba Abdul jabar and actress PAM GRIER (Jackie brown )
Kareem Abdul Jabbar was born Ferdinand Lewis Alcindor, Jr.