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The ancient Greeks, particularly the Spartans and Athenians, developed the Olympic games out of the practice of competing just for the fun and challenge of competing.

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Q: The olympic games was first developed by which civilization?
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Related questions

Who first developed the olympic games?

The Ancient Greeks.

Where were the olympic games first developed?

they weren't developed but they were first playe in ancient greece. and then they had the first modern olympics in Athens Greece 1896

When where the roman Olympic games made?

The Romans did not participate in Olympic games at all. The Olympic games were developed by the earlier Greek civilisation and died out before the Roman empire developed. The Olympic games were "revived" much later in the time of the British Empire (by the English).

Who did win the first olympic games?

A chef won the first ever Olympic games.

What year did the first olympic games hold?

The Olympic Games were first hold in 1896.

Olympic games and the poems of homes are associated with which ancient civilization?

They are associated with Greeks.

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The first Youth Olympic Games will be in Singapore !

On which year did the first Olympic start?

The first Olympic games were in Greece.

When was the first winter olympic games?

The first Winter Olympic games were held in 1924 in Chamonix, France.

Were where the olympic games first held?

The first Winter Olympic games were held in 1924 in Chamonix, France.

Date of first Olympic games?

The Olympic Games started over two millennia ago.The first modern Olympic Games commenced on April 6, 1896.

What was the year of the first winter Olympic games?

The Olympic Winter Games were first held in 1924 in Chamonix, France.