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Q: The more elastic the medium the slower sound travels in it?
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How would you explain the concept of sound travel to someone who is unfamiliar with it?

Sound travels in waves through a medium, such as air or water. When something makes a noise, like a person speaking or a bell ringing, it creates vibrations that move through the medium and reach our ears, allowing us to hear the sound. Sound travels at different speeds depending on the medium it is traveling through, with air being a common medium for sound to travel through.

What determines if a sound is loud or soft?

The determining factor as to the softness or loudness of a sound is the amplitude of the sound wave. We know that sound is mechanical energy, and a source of sound will put mechanical energy into the medium through which it is going to travel. Let's look at the wave. The mechanical wave has a compression phase and a rarefaction phase. In compression, the source compresses the medium to impart energy. In the rarefaction phase, the source will act to decompress the medium. The sound will propagate outward in a series of compression and decompression phases. The difference between a loud and a softer sound is the degree to which a medium is compressed and rarefied during the process by which the sound energy is put into the medium. Fortunately there is a question (and an answer) that goes into this in a bit of detail. It is linked in the Related questions section.

In the sofar layer sound travels?

Yes, sound can travel for great distances in this layer because refraction tends to keep sounds waves in the layer.

Where do sound waves cannot travel?

it can't travel in a vacuum, it needs medium to travel

What does John Dillinger's voice sound like?

Medium deep not to deep but it was somewhat deep

Related questions

What is the fact of medium on the speed of sound?

The speed of sound in a medium is affected by the density and elasticity of the medium. Sound travels faster in denser and more elastic mediums, such as solids, compared to less dense and less elastic mediums, such as gases. The speed of sound is typically highest in solids, lower in liquids, and slowest in gases.

What type of wave travels slower through gases than it does through solids?

Sound waves travel slower through gases than they do through solids. This is due to the lower density and elastic properties of gases compared to solids, which affects the speed of sound propagation through the medium.

Why does sound travel so fast?

Sound travels fast because it propagates through a medium, such as air, by causing particles in the medium to vibrate and transfer energy. The speed at which sound travels depends on the density and elasticity of the medium - the denser and more elastic the medium, the faster sound can travel through it. In air at room temperature, sound travels at around 343 meters per second.

Summarize the physical reasons that sound waves travel at different speeds through different mediums?

The speed of sound varies in different mediums due to differences in the medium's elasticity and density. In more elastic and less dense materials, sound travels faster because the molecules can vibrate more easily. Conversely, in denser and less elastic materials, sound travels slower as molecules are less able to transmit the vibrations effectively.

Which travels fastest through a medium a photon atom sound or electron?

A photon travels fastest through a medium, followed by sound, then electrons. Photons travel at the speed of light in a vacuum, which is faster than the speed of sound or electrons in a medium. Sound travels at a much slower speed than light, while electrons generally move at speeds that are significantly slower than both photons and sound waves.

How is the sound speed and the medium related?

The speed of sound in a medium depends on the properties of that medium, such as its density and elasticity. In general, sound travels faster in mediums that are denser and more elastic. This is because the particles in the medium can transmit the sound waves more effectively.

Why does sound travel slower through a medium when it is at low temperature?

Sound travels slower through a medium at low temperatures because the particles in the medium have lower energy and move more slowly, causing sound waves to propagate more slowly. This reduction in particle movement decreases the speed at which sound can travel through the medium.

How does the medium affect the speed of sound?

The speed of sound in a medium is influenced by factors like the density and elasticity of the medium. In general, sound travels faster in denser and more elastic materials. For example, sound travels faster in solids than in liquids, and faster in liquids than in gases.

The denser the medium through which it is traveling the slower a what wave propagates?

The slower a sound wave propagates. Sound waves travel faster in less dense mediums like air, and slower in denser mediums like water or solids.

Does the velocity of sound change with medium?

Yes, the velocity of sound changes with the medium it travels through. Sound travels fastest in solids, slower in liquids, and slowest in gases due to differences in their atomic and molecular structures. The speed of sound is determined by the medium's density, elasticity, and temperature.

Some mediums that would make sound traval slower?

Sound travels slower in mediums like air, liquids, and solids compared to in a vacuum. The speed of sound varies depending on the density and elasticity of the medium - it travels slowest in gases, faster in liquids, and fastest in solids. Denser and less elastic mediums will generally slow down sound waves more.

What is the effect of medium on sound travel?

The thicker and denser the medium, the slower sound will travel through it. The density of the medium matters because the denser the substance is, the more material the sound has to vibrate per inch it travels through the substance. This forces it to slow down.