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Q: The immediate result of the Revolution of March 1917 was that?
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What was the immediate causes of the revolution?

The immediate cause of the first revolution in March 1917 was the disastrous impact of the First World War.

What did the March revolution in 1917 force?

In Russia, the 1917 March revolution forced Czar Nicholas to step down from the Russian throne.

What was the outcome of the Bolshevik revolutions in Russia in 1917?

the Soviet Union became the worlds first communist state

What beast describes the result of the March revolution of 1917?

more than 300 years of Romanov rule came to an end

What best describes result of the March Revolution of 1917?

more than 300 years of Romanov rule came to an end

The provisional government that ruled Russia after the March 1917 Revolution was?

The provisional Government that ruled Russia after the March 1917 Revolution was chosen by the Duma.

What best describes the best result of the march revolution of 1917?

more than 300 years of Romanov rule came to an end

A leader of the provisional government that assumed power after the march 1917 revolution was?

Alexander Kerensky was a leader of the provisional government that assumed power after the March 1917 revolution.

What were three causes of the march revolution?

The February Revolution (on Woman's Day in March) involved mass demonstrations and armed fights with police and the loyal forces of the Russian monarchy. Causes of the revolution were political and economic instability, technological backwardness and fundamental social divisions.

What Russian was overthrown during the 1917 Russian Revolution.?

Tsar Nicholas II was the first leader overthrown as a result of the February Revolution in Russia in 1917. Alexander Kerensky, head of the Russian Provisional Government was the second leader overthrown as a result of the October Revolution in 1917.

What was the result of the russian revolution in 1991?

The result of the revolution in 1991 was the fall of the Communist Regime that had ruled Russia since 1917.

When was the first political revolution?

The very first revolution was in 1905. The very first of the 1917 revolutions was in February/March 1917