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the Greeks called the excellence of courage and honor Arete

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Q: The excellence of courage and honor was what the Greeks called?
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What did the greeks call courage and honor?

Courage = Andreia (manliness) or Aretē (virtue, excellence) Honour = Timē

In great honor of their gods the greeks built sacred places called what?

In honor of their gods and goddesses, the Greeks began building temples and statues.

What are 5 ancient greek values?

Individualism, rationalism, justice, beauty, and the pursuit of excellence.

What values did the poems of Homer teach Greeks?

Homer's stories taught courage, and honor. Along with bravery.They gave the Greeks a set of values that they could live by. These values are often called Homeric Values and were adopted by a majority of Greek city-states. Not only did the include courage, honor, and bravery. Homeric values also included action, chastity, humility, putting your community above yourself, and they encouraged Greeks to be the best Greeks that they possibly could be.

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How did the Greeks honor Athena?

The Greeks built a temple to honor the goddess Athena.

Is noble positive or negative connotation?

"Noble" typically has a positive connotation, suggesting qualities such as honor, dignity, and moral excellence. It is often associated with virtues like courage, generosity, and righteousness.

Word to describe honor and courage?

A word that would describe "Honor" and "Courage" is, Great. EX: It was a great honor to win the award. EX: It took great courage to kill the snake.

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What are the release dates for Courage - 2000 Medal of Honor?

Courage - 2000 Medal of Honor was released on: USA: 2000

What color symbolize courage?

The color crimson red represents courage and honor.

What is the significance of The Odyssey?

This was a famous piece of classical Greek literature which serves as a symbol of Greek unity and culture, revealing moral lessons of heroism, pride, courage, and honor relevant to later Greeks.