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Q: Russian leader who murdered millions?
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Who was the soviet leader who was murdered in Mexico in 1940?

Leon Trotsky was murdered in Mexico by a Russian agent sent by Joseph Stalin in 1940.

Which Russian leader initiated the great purges in which millions of people were executed or exiled?

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millions millions

What is the Russian word for leader?

the russian word for leader isлидер

What a sentence with the word Joseph Stalin?

Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.

How many Jews were murdered?

6 millions.

What did adlof hitler do to Jews?

He murdered them by the millions.

What did Trotshy do?

Trotsky was originally the leader of the mencheviks but then joined the Bolsheviks. Which were two Russian socialist parties Latter in the Russian civil war he lead the communist forces. Finally Stalin found him to be a possible enemy so had him murdered with a pick axe

Who was a Russian leader during WWll who modernized Russia but was responsible for millions of deaths?

Gen Malotov, Stalin. And Pvt Dimitri Velcrov(COD IS THE SHIZ)

Why was the holocaust unfair?

because for no reason, and with out warning, millions and millions of defenseless Jewish people were murdered.

What was the name of the Russian leader in the mid 1930s?

Joseph Stalin was the Russian leader in the 1930s.

What Russian character murdered a greedy old pawnbroker?

Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov murdered the character of Alyona Ivanovna in Fyodor Dostoyevsky's 1866 Russian novel, Crime and Punishment.