The Roman Empire
The Arab Empire spread to all of Southwest Asia, Damascus, North Africa, Spain, and then eastward into the lands beyond Persia.
The Muslim empire spread under the leadership of the Umayyad dynasty through the power of the Syrian army, which was the dynasty's foundation; this allowed the Umayyads to assume greater control of conquered provinces and and of Arab tribal rivalries.
A former gladiator who became a general under the leadership of Spartacus in the Third Servile War
I am trying to find the answer to that question also. The problem seems to be that Persia had different capitals at different times. Apparently Cyrus madePasargadae the capital; Darius I made Persepolis a capital, Persepolis is a Greek name for the Persian Parsa, but Susa, Mashhad, Ecbatana, Ctesiphon, Isfahan, Tabriz, and Tehran might also be correct answers. Ctesiphon may be the same as Isfahan.Alterate Answer:Persia at different points in history had different capitals. Persepolis, Ecbatana, Susa, Pasargade, and Babylon were considered capitals of Persia during the Achaemenid period. Seleucia became capital of Persia under the Seleucid dynasty. Ctesiphon became the capital of Persia under the Parthians and the Sassanids. Shiraz was the capital of Persia under the Buyids. Tabriz was the capital of Persia under Mongol and Turk rule. Isfahan was the capital of Persia under the Safavids. Mashad was the capital of Persia during the Afsharid dynasty and Tehran became the capital of Persia following the establishment of the Qajar dynasty. (FYI: Ctesiphon and Seleucia were within a few miles apart from each other and were in modern day Iraq. Isfahan and Ctesiphon are not different names for the same city).Persepolis.
540 BCE. Under the leadership of Cyrus, the Persian Empire conquered Babylon.
Athens was able to build an empire based on nearly two hundred Greek city-states which allied together against Persia under its leadership. It became rich and expansionary on the proceeds, which brought about an opposing Peloponnesian League led by Sparta. The two leagues clashed in a devastating 27-year war after a peace was made with Persia, allowing inter-Greek rivalries to again come to the fore.
The Roman Empire
Under the leiding of Clovis I it became powerful but under the leading of Charlemagne it became a huge empire
Ancient Greece expanded to an Empire under the leadership of Alexander the Great between the years 332 and 323 BCE. Part of this Empire was absorbed by the Roman Empire at 56 BCE [last area conquered Egypt]
Athens, after becoming the leader of the Delian League and subverting it, became the ruler of an empire spanning the Aegean.
Rome became an empire when it began expanding its territory and ruling it under Roman law. It was firmly established as an empire after winning the Punic wars.Rome became an empire when it began expanding its territory and ruling it under Roman law. It was firmly established as an empire after winning the Punic wars.Rome became an empire when it began expanding its territory and ruling it under Roman law. It was firmly established as an empire after winning the Punic wars.Rome became an empire when it began expanding its territory and ruling it under Roman law. It was firmly established as an empire after winning the Punic wars.Rome became an empire when it began expanding its territory and ruling it under Roman law. It was firmly established as an empire after winning the Punic wars.Rome became an empire when it began expanding its territory and ruling it under Roman law. It was firmly established as an empire after winning the Punic wars.Rome became an empire when it began expanding its territory and ruling it under Roman law. It was firmly established as an empire after winning the Punic wars.Rome became an empire when it began expanding its territory and ruling it under Roman law. It was firmly established as an empire after winning the Punic wars.Rome became an empire when it began expanding its territory and ruling it under Roman law. It was firmly established as an empire after winning the Punic wars.
Under the leadership of Abu Bakr, the Islamic-ruled region stretched from Persia to west of Egypt.
yes some parts of todays Iraq was under control of great empire of Persia (Iran) Persia was one of the most power full countries like empire of china or roma in ancient world