Lou Piniella, Tino Martinez, Keith Hernandez, Dave Magadan, Al Lopez
According to Baseball Almanac - 1) Dominican Republic - 473 players 2) Venezuela - 232 players 3) Puerto Rico - 226 players 4) Canada - 221 players 5) Cuba - 157 players
about 5% of MLB players or (Major League Baseball) players used or inject steroids. Some of the greats like Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, ALex Rodriquez, Roger Clemens, Miguel Tejada, and Rafael Palmeiro. Thos are just some of the great players.
I do believe that only 5. I don't know the names but I think only 5
sutton, Thompson, ian wright, dublin paul Elliot
5 players have so go to colege
Aurelio has all five vowels, and there have been a few Aurelios in MLB history.
25 players - 8 position players, 5 starting roation, 7 bullpen, and 5 bench
5 = Players in a Basketball Team (USA)players on a basketball team?
David Wright,
According to Baseball Almanac - 1) Dominican Republic - 473 players 2) Venezuela - 232 players 3) Puerto Rico - 226 players 4) Canada - 221 players 5) Cuba - 157 players
As of 2011, about 38 percent of the Major League Baseball players had played in college. Within the past 10 years, approximately 56 percent of the picks in the first round in the MLB draft are college players. Only about 10 percent of male college baseball players will get drafted.
baseball players can make millions. some make a lot some make little. Ichiro Suzuki (outfielder for SEattle Mariners) was recently given a contract for about $200,000,000 for 5 years.