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Q: Muhammad Ali was associated with what Civil Rights Leader's Movemen?
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How did the minority groups struggle for civil rights begin in the 1950s Which event from this time do you think was most responsible for bringing public attention to the American Civil Rights Movemen?

The murder of Emment Till

What are effects of civil rights movement?

The Civil Rights movement has had lasting effects. Students attend school together, regardless of race. Discrimination has been made illegal.

What did muhammad ali do for the civil rights movement?

Muhammad Ali was a great advocate for the civil rights movement. Ali spoke out against white domination. He was awarded the Otto Hahn peace medal for his contributions to the civil rights movement.

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Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani is the Minister of Human Rights for Iraq.

What were some leaders from the cicil rights movement and what did they do In detail pls i have a report due tomorrow?

Mahatma Gandhi is one of the leaders from the civil rights movement.

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what best decribes the ideology associated with the civil rights movements

Which of these was not a strategy of black civil rights leaders in the South from 1955 to 1965?

Violent resistance was not a strategy of black civil rights leaders in the South from 1955 to 1965.

By 1966 many Civil Rights organizations?

had replaced veteran leaders with young, militant leaders

Who were leaders in creating the bill of rights?

James Madison.

Why did civil rights leaders disagree with Marcus?

he as a segregationist

What type of ownership rights is associated with the land that abuts water?

Riparian right is the type of ownership rights that is associated with the land that abuts water.

Why is the civil rights museum special?

it is because it helps us remember our civil rights leaders