i think the record was 235 jumps in one minute but i am going to try and beat it.
Caitlin Womack (age 11) in 2010 did 10,009 pogo stick jumps on Thanksgiving.
Caitlin Womack (age 10) did 10,009 pogo stick jumps on Thanksgiving.
I did 800 jumps on a pogo stick and did not stop I kept trying but i only got to 800. Ask my neighbor if you think i am lying. Really no lie! I am not kidding seriously and i am only 11!
Ben S. of Wheaton with 3031 on July 12, 2009
Type your answer here... i got 510 15-7-12.
Caitlin Womack (age 11) in 2010 did 10,009 pogo stick jumps on Thanksgiving.
its me James friend from bf Pennsylvania with 1018 jumps on a pogo stick
On October 28,2010 at 10:37 am Peter Jasinski got 37,798 jumps on a pogo stick and 1,798 without hands.
The world record for the most one-handed pogo stick jumps is 206 jumps in one minute, achieved by Ashrita Furman from the USA in 2018.
Caitlin Womack (age 10) did 10,009 pogo stick jumps on Thanksgiving.
My names Noah Church and I was 11 when i did 2,549 pogo stick jumps my arms hurt after I finished. And it took me about an hour,.
Arya Singh I did! Arya Singh was 8 years old. She got a pogo stick for Christmas. She was trying it out outside, and she got 2,600 pogo stick jumps. That is a pretty/amazing/incredible record to me!
The highest pogo stick jump recorded was achieved by Biff Hutchison in 2017, reaching a height of 11 feet 1 inch (3.38 meters) at the Pogopalooza event in Pennsylvania, USA.
Annika S. got 150 one legged with both hands pogo stick jumps! 5/12/10
Jason Innerfield who is 11yrs old has done 2,543 hops in his fifth day trying a pogo stick.