I have two of these, one black, the other creme in color, authentic, new, with tags.
Jerry Rice is undoubtely the greatest wide receiver to ever play the game. The value of the autographed jersey will depend on the quality of the jersey being signed. Replicas are a lot cheaper than authentic or even Mitchell and Ness Throwbacks. I would estimate the value of this item to be between $385 - $499. You can check out my site for similar items. Please visit www.proautograph.com for Authentic Autographed Sports Memorabilia.
what is the average temperature of loch ness
The Loch Ness monster is said to be living in Loch Ness, this is where the name comes from. Loch Ness is the largest body of water in Great Britain and has always been surrounded by mythical tales. The Loch Ness monster is commonly referred to as "Nessie". Actually the Loch ness mosnter is not in Great Britain it is in Scottland.
it was FBI g-man Elliot Ness
It's not in a river, it's in a "loch" or lake. Loch Ness to be precise, hence being called the "Loch Ness Monster".
Yes, Mitchell and Ness sells them currently.
It's just a brand there Are Mitchell and ness snap backs too
I think in 1992 <a href="http://www.overbestmall.com/nfl-jerseys">mitchell and ness</a> did it. Not quite sure.
eat tatti
A Mickey Mantle Signed Mitchell & Ness flannel Yankees Rookie home jersey is worth about $3,000.-$4,000. Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the signature. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less. In a recent eBay Auction May-04-08 a Mickey Mantle Signed Mitchell & Ness Yankees Rookie home jersey sold for $3,957.00 In another auction (2007) a Mickey Mantle Signed Mitchell & Ness Rookie Jersey sold for $3,346.00
All real snapbacks say Mitchell And Ness on the back but the fake ones do not have the dot for the I in Mitchell
The NBA store sells Mitchell and Ness jerseys for $300.00 each but they are some of the best quality out there.
Technically nothing. M&N destroyed any jersey's with flaws, so none have never left the factory legally. If you would actually have one, then it still isn't worth much because they wouldn't recognize it as "officially licensed". Therefor, it's only worth as much as some idiot who wanted a flawed jersey would pay.
swingman has 1 layer of stitching usually made by nike, and authentic have multiple layer stitching usually made by rebok or mitchell and ness
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