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Moses Malone

Actually Moses was the 2nd player to skip college. The first was Reggie arding 12 years before Moses did it. So, the list of the first few is:

1. Reggie Harding 1962 NBA (had graduated high school when drafted)

2. Moses Malone 1974 ABA (drafted while in high school)

3. Daryl Dawkins 1975 NBA Draft 5th pick (drafted while in high school)

4. Bill Willoughby 1975 NBA Draft 19th pick (had graduated high school when drafted)

It did not happen again until 1989 with Shawn Kemp (1989, attended University of Kentucky and Trinity Valley Community College but did not play College Basketball. Was kicked off the University of Kentucky Basketball team after pawning a teammate's necklace.)

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Q: Last high school basketball player to skip college and get drafted to the NBA?
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