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Yes, the federal government is the only entity that has the authority to print US currency. They have given the power to the Federal Reserve Bank, which is not a part of the federal government, but a privately held bank.

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Q: Is the federal government allowed to coin money?
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Can states coin money?

Legal tender can only be minted by the Federal Government.

What part of government can coin money?


Who is responsible for printing and coining money?

Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution says that "The Congress shall have Power...To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin," and Section 10 says that "No State shall...coin Money". It is illegal for private citizens to coin money. The Supreme Court has ruled that Congress's power to coin money includes the power to print paper money and make it legal tender. The Federal Reserve decides how much money will be produced. Paper money is printed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and coins are produced by the United States Mint.

What is the name of the document written by states after the revolutionary war expressing their new status?

The "Articles of Confederation", ratified in 1781, codified the 13 Colonies as an independent country. However the Articles specified a weak central government, allowed the states to coin their own money, and also allowed the states to conduct their own foreign policy. After the Shays Rebellion was brutally put down by the government of Massachusetts, the Constitution was written and adopted, giving the United States the form of government it has today.

Why did the states create a federal government after winning independence?

To coin money, protect us from other countries, promote the general welfare of the people, and resolve disputes between states and THAT'S IT. Lately it's been trying to grow more more powerful but the Tenth Admendment is supposed to prevent this. The civil war came about as a result of the federal governmnent infringing on states rights, and that may happen again in the future.

Related questions

What kind of government does the constitution give the power to coin money to?

Federal government

What government is the only level of American government that has the right to coin money.?


Can states coin money?

Legal tender can only be minted by the Federal Government.

What kind of governent does the constitution give the power to coin money to?

Federal government

What government is the only level of American government that has the right to coin money?

Article 1 Section 8 of the US Constitution states that "The Congress shall have Power To:..." (among other things) "To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;" Clearly it is the Federal government that has the right to coin money.

What powers are only for the federal government?

make treaties, coin money, and declair war

National government to coin money is what power?

The right of the federal government to coin money is an exclusive federal right provided for in the constitution. The constitution also grants the government to regulate the value of the coins.

What is a power the federal government has?

Power to make war, coin money, regulate interstate commerce..

What was one purpose of the federal government to power to coin money?

to protect the value of the national currency

Can states coin money if it is backed by gold?

No. None of the states have a legal right to coin money. Only the federal government can do this. The US ceased to use gold as a standard for money in 1933.

What power has the power to coin money?

The power to coin money belongs to the Federal government (Congress, specifically) according to the Constitution of the United States.

What are the powers of federal government?

Coin Money,Coin MoneyMake TreatiesEstablish foreign policyEstablish post officesRegulate immigrationDeclare warRegulate Interstate CommerceRegulate Foreign TradeBuild Interstate Highways