no why would that be here father's name of all offense
Sir Syed's father Mir Muhammad Muttaqi
The play that is named after Queen Elizabeth's father is Henry VIII. The play was written by William Shakespeare in 1612.
Father- Pharaoh Akenaten Mother- Queen Kiya
The father of Mary, Queen of Scots was King James V of Scotland (1512 - 1542).
She was Queen Mahamaya. Prince Siddhartha's father was King Suddodhana
Queen Latifah's brother is Lancelot H. Owens Jr.
Allama Iqbal's father's name was Sheikh Noor Muhammad.
the name of his father actually in the true name of the queen lol
The father of Allama Iqbal was Sheikh Noor Muhammad.
name of father of mohmmad ghori is prophet mohmmad
fateh muhammad
Hazrat Abdullah
his grand father
Yes, he was Muslim. He died before birth of prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Accordingly, Prophet Muhammad's father died before the prophesy of prophet Muhammad and before God revelation of Quran to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). However, his father was believing in God (Allah). His father name is Abdullah which is an Arabic name that means 'slave of Allah (God)'.
No, The name of the father of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is 'Abdul Allah' that means in English 'the servant (or slave) of Allah' No one on earth can be named by Allah (name of God in Arabic).
Punjalal Thakkar