Magic Johnson's full name is Earvin (no middle name) johnson.
Magic Johnson never played for the Magic, just the Lakers.
Magic Johnson did not take any steroids.
Magic Johnson
magic Johnson
single mother of 4 i think
Magic Johnson
Magic Johnson never played for the Magic, just the Lakers.
Magic Johnson had H.I.V.
Magic Johnson's birth name is Johnson, Earvin.
Magic Johnson #32
No Magic Johnson had H.I.V.But played in the olympics.
magic Johnson is better
Magic Johnson has 78 wins
magic Johnson
Magic Johnson's full name is Earvin (no middle name) johnson.
Magic johnson became famous when he scored 36 points 16 rebounds and 16 assist in one single highschool basketball game. Magic johnson ended up in the NBA where he was drafted to the LA Lakers and won many chanpionships and many all star awards aswell