it is not proven either way, but believed to be bad luck.
It depends on whether you called heads or tails before the coin toss!
Yes, good luck happen to good people. bad luck happens to bad people. It's really that simple
There are two types of luck: good luck and bad luck.
They are only birds, and have no bearing on luck at all, except in folklore.
The general consensus I think is bad luck. If a black cat crosses your path while walking under the ladder..... run.
Kissing under the misseltoe obviosly good luck and absolutly romantic for some girls -Y3AH.iHTS qOOD LUCK;& iHTS SUPEr ROMANTiC.;♥
Good luck if its heads, bad luck if its tails.
yes good luck and bad luck exits because when i found a penny on "HEADS" i got good luck i got ice cream i got a boyfriend and found a "100" dollar bill bad luck exits beacuse when i opened my umbrella i got bad luck i lost my boyfriend my brother took my "100" dollar bill so it does EXITS
If you find a penny on the heads side it is good luck if you find a penny on the tails side and pick it up it is bad luck
Monkey bring bad luck not good luck.
If you find a heads up penny that's supposed to be good luck
good (:
Bad luck.
Good luck
good luck
777 really doesn't count bad or good. It is Good Luck in Las Vegas!
No. There is no such thing as a "good luck" or "bad luck" plant.
no,and there's no thing as BAD LUCK OR GOOD LUCK