Being overrated is bad. This means that while some people peg you as great or talented, they are actually wrong, and you are worse than "advertised," so to speak.
It's a good thing:) Who ever said it was a good thing they were lying it's a bad thing God make girls for guys and guys for girls and that's that
There are both good and bad things about hunter gatherer societies. The good thing is that there is a clear division of labor in these societies. Men hunt and women gather, and both groups contribute equally to the health of the group. The bad thing is that the animals may migrate or the plants may wither, and that means constantly being on the move.
One bad thing about being a vet is examining sick animals each day. Another negative aspect is having to euthanize sick animals.
I believe they do. It is human nature that opposits attract. Good girls are attracted to the bad boys who turn into the bad husbands. I'm a good wife who has (soon to be HAD) a bad husband. But what contitues a bad husband? Is their a scale from 1-10? How bad is bad? Good is good there is no scale for good. But bad is another story.
i think it is a good idea to be a frreman than a villain cuz villains a bad people .:P
The good thing about basketball is that if the opposing team have the ball, you can stand in front of them. But the bad thing about basketball is the hoop is so high and small that the you scoring is sometimes unlikely.
He's pretty bad.
it is good sometimes but some people who don't like soccer say it is bad
Controlling Overrated Obsessive Loser
he was the best in the whole nba so ta he is good
It's good as it is bad
Being good is not bad, and being bad is not good! Wikicom is good and bad. Good because it's interesting, challengingand you learn stuff; bad because you spend too much time on the site.
I'm Good at Being Bad was created in 1998.
Practice over and over and over and no matter how bad you are you will get good