A high ERA would be considered bad. In the National League, an ERA of less than 3.50 would be considered very good. In the American League, an ERA of less than 4.00 would be considered very good.
I believe they do. It is human nature that opposits attract. Good girls are attracted to the bad boys who turn into the bad husbands. I'm a good wife who has (soon to be HAD) a bad husband. But what contitues a bad husband? Is their a scale from 1-10? How bad is bad? Good is good there is no scale for good. But bad is another story.
Without lawyers, there would be NO court system. Without a court system, there would be NO justice. There are good lawyers and bad lawyers, good doctors and bad doctors, good policemen and bad policemen, good teachers and bad teachers, good construction workers and bad construction workers, etc.
they were bad.
depends, it can be good or it can be bad and also it depends on where the person is migrating to.
If it is 2.41, yes it is good. If it is 24.1, no it is not!
Drugs are bad, mmkay...
its hard to pretend that your a horrible player or not. your either good, bad, or fair, point is if your bad your bad unless you practice. so no your not a good player if you pretend
yes,obviously its good to have high bandwidth....according to technical feild
no he is as bad as my baby brother
That depends on whether or not you're lending or borrowing. Lending = good Borrowing = bad
to me it`s good school but no
The cholesterol is very high meaning very bad.
High School Musical 3 is a very good movie, if you think it's bad you are out of line.
Such things cannot be compared categorically. It all depends on what your own personal experiences are and what schools you go to for each level. There are good and bad junior high schools and good and bad high schools.