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Q: Is Asia east AND west of the prime meridian?
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Is it east or west of the prime meridian?

Is asia east or west of the prime meridian

Is Singapore east or west of the prime meridian?

Asia is said to be east of the Prime Meridian because it is much farther going west to Asia.

What is east of the prime meridian?

The Prime Meridian breaks the world into two hemispheres: east and west so the east of the Prime Meridian is any location with a positive longitude including most of Europe and all of the Middle East and Asia.

What continents are east of the prime meridian?

Asia and Australia are completly east of the Prime Meridian. The Meridian crosses Africa, Europe, and Antarctica, so those continents are partly east of it and partly west of it.

Is Germany east or west of the prime meridian?

Germany is east of the prime meridian.

Is Senegal east or west of the prime meridian?

Senegal is west of the prime meridian.

What is east and west of the prime medirdian?

East of the Prime Meridian is the Eastern Hemisphere, which includes continents like Europe, Africa, and Asia. West of the Prime Meridian is the Western Hemisphere, which includes continents like North and South America.

Is Pyongyang east or west of the prime meridian?

yongyang is west of Is Prime meridian

Is Botswana in the east or west of the Prime Meridian?

Botswana is located to the east of the Prime Meridian.

Is North Korea west or east of the prime meridian?

North Korea is east of the Prime Meridian.

Is most of England east or west if the prime meridian?

The Prime Meridian runs through London so England is on the east and the west of it.

Locations distance east or west of the prime meridian?

The distance east or west of the prime meridian?