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Uruguay, Italy (twice), France, Switzerland, Chile, Sweden, England, West Germany, Mexico (twice), Argentina, Brazil, Spain, USA, Korea/Japan, Germany (unified) and South Africa.

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Where world cup have been played

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Q: In which country has the World Cup been held?
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Why is the World Cup been held?

The world cup is held every four years to find out the best country in football.

What country organizes the World Cup in 2010?

The World Cup in 2010 will be held in South Africa, the first time it has been held in the continent of Africa.

In which country was the 1994 World Cup held?

The 1994 world cup was held in the U.s.A.

Which country is the the World Cup held in this year?

The 2010 world cup is held in South Africa.

What African Country ever won the soccer world cup?

The F.I.F.A world cup has never been played in any African country till today. But the good news is that the 2010 world cup will be held in South Africa.

What country is the fifa world cup held in for 2010?

The 2010 world cup is to be held in South africa.

In Which Country held 2006 world cup football tournament?

The sixth World Cup was held in 1958 in Sweden.

What country has been to 19 of the world cup tournaments?

Brazil is the only country to play at all the 19 world cups held by F.I.F.A.

In what year and country the next FIFA World Cup will be held?

The next world cup will be held in 2014 in Brazil.

In which country was the last FIFA World Cup held?

The last football World Cup was held in Germany in 2006.

Has the world cup ever been held in cuba?

No the world cup has never been held in Cuba so far.

What city is the world cup hosted?

The FIFA World Cup is not held in one city, like the Olympics is. It is held in a country. Matches are held around the country in different cities.