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Q: In the 1993 World Series who hit a 3-run home run to win the game for the Toronto Blue Jays?
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How do you replace a radiator on a 1986 - 1995 Taurus - Sable?

Anyone with a bit of mechanical knowledge can replace a radiator on a car. Radiators need to be replaced periodically, usually because the hose necks tend to become brittle with age and break. Radiators can also be damaged by any kind of debris striking the front of the vehicle. While the exact radiator replacement process varies from vehicle to vehicle, the basic principles are the same on nearly all cars and light trucks.1.Open the radiator drain plug, located somewhere near the lowest point of the radiator, and let the coolant flow into a catch basin to drain it. Loosen the lower radiator hose to drain the coolant if your radiator does not have a drain plug.2.Detach the hoses from the radiator. Loosen the nose clamps and pull the hoses off of their attachment necks. Remove the auxiliary belts by sliding them off of their pulleys to gain more work room.3.Remove the engine cooling fan and the radiator shroud. This step is vehicle-specific, and no single process will cover all types of engines. In most cases, you have to use a wide box wrench to release the mounting bolt that holds the fan to the engine. Set your cooling fan down upright to protect its clutch. Loosen the mounting hardware that holds the shroud. You might have to pull the fan and the shroud out together if clearance does not permit you to pull them out separately.4.Remove any mounting screws, bolts, clips or other remaining attachment points. Put these pieces of hardware into a container so that you do not lose them.5.Lift the radiator clear of the engine. This can result in a mess of coolant as the radiator shifts around, so have newspaper and a catch basin underneath the radiator.Radiator Replacement1.Slide the replacement radiator into place. Handle it gently so you do not damage the delicate cooling fins or hose necks.2Replace the mounting hardware. Torque them so you do not break the new radiator.3Reinstall the cooling fan and the shroud by simply reversing the fan and shroud removal process.4Reattach the cooling hoses to their mounting necks. Snug the hose clamps down, being careful not to over tighten. Consider replacing your cooling hoses at this time, as they become brittle and prone to failure with age. Replace them all if you replace one.5Install and tension the auxiliary belts if you removed them to get more room to work. Slide them back over their pulleys and adjust tension by turning the tension adjustment nuts and bolts.Cooling Addition1Mix the replacement coolant and distilled water in the right proportions for your vehicle and your climate.2Pour the coolant into the proper fill area. Depending on your vehicle, you may pour the coolant directly into your replacement radiator, into your overflow reservoir or somewhere else.3Run the engine to allow the coolant to circulate and add more as necessary.4Bleed the air from the system. There.......also you can go to the source for your questionsSource(s):

How do you beat a slobber on Epic Mickey?

NotilusRun to the right after entering this area and take care of the two Splatters, then dissolve the base of the pillar there to create a ramp up to the right.Use thinner to dissolve the base of this pillar, then run up the ramp it creates and paint the gear on the wall which will cause several platforms to appear in the thinner below. Before jumping down, look across the left wall where you'll see a golden E-ticket on top of a small pillar. Carefully jump to these two small platforms to reach it.Jump down and cross over to the building where you'll find a Gremlin trapped some bars. Bypass him for now and jump over to the other side, fighting the Splatter there and looking on the wall for a thinned-out platform.Paint the platform on the wall into existence, double-jump up to it and then over to the balcony above the door and paint the second gear on the wall which will extend some platforms back in the direction from which you just came.Jump down to the left and use the newly extended platforms to reach the top of a pile of rubble. Once on top, dissolve the green platform so the rubble on the wall fall down, revealing the third gear.Jump up the new platforms and thin the floor beneath the rubble on the wall to reveal the final gear. Paint it in to raise some pillars next to the building with the trapped Gremlin in it.Thin the ceiling of this building out, then drop down and release the Gremlin named Starr who will repair the pulley gears, pulling the Notilus up to the surface which has the projector screen to the next area.Before leaving the building with the Gremlin, turn toward the back of the room and paint a gear on the machinery there to open a door across the area, revealing a golden E-ticket.Head back across the area and grab the golden ticket you just unlocked.Should you not want to go through the trouble of releasing the Gremlin to raise the Notilus, you can also hop up the two pillars on either side of the stage by painting the gears of the rotating platforms, and then paint the pulley-gear at the end of the scaffolding.The alternate way to raise the Notilus is to paint the rotating platforms on the pillars at the edges of the area and then thin them back out when the platform spins to horizontal. Climb up using this method for each gear, then paint the pulley at the top.From the top of the pillar on the right of the stage, thin the brighter area of the wall beyond the two spinning platforms, then use those platforms to reach the alcove you uncovered. Inside is a treasure chest with Goofy's Right Leg inside.Mickey's Mechanical Man : Part 1 (2D)Jump on the safe hanging by a chain, then leap through the hole in the wall to land on the car outside. The horn will blow causing the robot to knock the telephone pole over and run away. Head to the right, jumping over the arcs of electricity coming out of the downed lines. Walk into the next building to find the robot in a boxing ring with a gorilla.Wait for the two boxers to move over to the right and hop on top of the robot's head. When the gorilla throws an uppercut, the robot's head will fly upward, taking you with it. At the head's apex, jump off to the right, climb up one more platform, then leap across the swinging lamps hanging from the ceiling to reach the "Mickey's Mechanical Man" Film Reel.After grabbing the Film Reel, hop back down to the boxing ring and head right to the exit projector.Tomorrow City LagoonUpon reaching the Lagoon you'll encounter a new form of Beetleworx enemy, the Spinner. This arachnid-looking character will chase you down and attack by spinning their sharp appendages. You'll have to thin their outer shell away and then spin-attack while they are on their back.Thin the outer shell of the Spinners, then spin-attack them while they lie helplessly on their backs. It takes two hits to take out them out.To open the exit in this area, you'll need to stop the flow of thinner to the waterfall obstructing your path. To do so, you'll need to spin four gears scattered around the main area:Gears 1 & 2The first gear to open the exit in this area will be directly in front of you after this level starts. The second gear is a little further down to the left, higher on the wall. Spinning it will also cause a giant canister to drop from above, allowing you to make it up to the second level.Gear 3Turn back and head right, painting in the platforms out in the middle of the flow of thinner, then jump across. Defeat the Spinner there, then turn the gear on the floor.Gear 4Continue to the right and look for the last gear on the wall, just next to the pipe held up by the yellow-and-black caution girders. Jump up and spin it to stop the waterfall's flow to a trickle, allowing you to leave the area.Head back over to the other side and jump up onto the giant canister that fell earlier, then jump up to the second level and paint the large cylinder. Hop on top of it and jump up to the third level.Run along the ledge, painting in the thinned out areas and jumping over the slotted metal floors. If you happen to step on one of these areas, the floor will drop out from under you and you'll need to climb back up.Defeat the Sweeper in the center of the walkway, then head down to the end where you'll see several purple-lit platforms jutting out from the wall. Jump across these and release Wilco from his cage.In exchange for releasing him, Wilco will stop the remaining flow of the thinner waterfall, revealing a hidden cave at the very bottom of the area.Jump back down to the very bottom of the area and jump over to the two platforms in the thinner that you painted in earlier. Hop over to the alcove that was previously hidden by the thinner waterfall and release the Gremlin Roger, who will activate the UFO Challenge.Head over to the UFO, where you'll be attacked by three Sweepers and three Splatters. Take out the Sweepers first, since they'll be lobbing globs of thinner at you from three sides, then finish off the Splatters. Taking out all six blotlings will net you a Bronze Pin.Finally, head back to the exit on the second level of the main area and walk down the hallway. At the end of it, you'll come to The Great Big Tomorrow exhibit. As the curtain rises, you'll be introduced to another new blotling, the Slobber.The Slobber has three forms of attack: up-close melee, thinner blasts, and a giant inhale. The only way to cause damage to the beast is to wait for it to try and inhale Mickey, then pump it full of paint or thinner.Watch for it to shoot several thinner projectiles, after which it will immediately begin to inhale. Run against the direction of the pull while shooting paint or thinner into its mouth. Whatever you do, don't get too close or the Slobber will pound you.If you defeat the Slobber with Paint, Mister Rover appear on the rotating stage in front of a idyllic image of Tomorrow City and you'll receive Goofy's Torso as a reward. Should you use thinner, you'll see a far more bleak image and receive a Gold Pin. Either way, you'll also get the TV sketch power and the TV Pin. Again, remember what choice you make here, so you can do the alternate in your next playthrough.A quick cut-scene will play, explaining how to use your new TV sketch.When the cut-scene finishes, drop a TV on the switch to power up the stage, then talk to Mister Rover again and he'll whisk you away to the Tomorrow Square projector.Plutopia : Part 2 (2D)As soon as you land in this level, you'll see a door swinging open and shut which you can only run past while closed. Head past the first two doors, then ride the second gush of water up to the top of the tree on the left.Ride the second fountain of water up, then jump over to the top of the tree on your left while the door is closed. Run over to the left side and wait for the door to open again so you can grab the "Plutopia: Part II" Film Reel.Jump back down and run over the two staircases while avoiding the falling dog bones. Jump over the last couple of water fountains and use the exit on top of the bed.Tomorrow SquareAfter entering this area, immediately look to your right. You'll see a platform with a golden E-ticket on it that you won't be able to reach.Find the platform on the right and thin out its left leg so it falls through the floor. Turn around and thin out the floor in front of you, then jump down to the platforms below to find the golden E-ticket.Next, head up to the top of the ramp in front of you and free the Gremlin, Apollo, from his cage. He will explain that you need to get the People Mover up and running in order to open the door to the next area. To do so, you'll have to drop TVs on three power pads:TV Power Pad 1The first TV power pad is located at the top of the ramp where you freed Apollo. Activating it will electrify the track, making it harder to reach the next two TV power pads.TV Power Pads 2 & 3Run down the track, timing your jumps to avoid the electricity and look for the next platform immediately on the right. The last platform is on the other side of the area, just past horseshoe-bend in the tracks. Activating all three will power up the People Mover cars.Before leaving the area, jump back down to the floor and fight off the Beetleworx there, then thin the floor until you find an opening ramping down to a lower area.Thin the floor beneath the People Mover tracks, then drop down to the area below. Once there, paint the two thinned-out gears in the recesses on either side of large blue circle. Finally, spin the large, middle gear to get the Sky Trams running again.Jump back up and out of the area with the gears and head over to the edge of the level where it drops off into nothingness. Walk to the very edge and look for the jagged-edged platform around the corner.At the very edge of Tomorrow Square, where the world drops off to a bottomless void, look to the right for a jagged ledge and double-jump around the corner to it. Paint in the missing sections of the ledge and head to the left until you see a damaged wall. Spin-attack the wall to break through and pick up the "Tomorrow City" extra content.Head back around to the front side of the area, then jump up into the stair-stepping area inset in the wall. You'll have to dissolve walls for each section as you climb up, then thin out part of the walkway above so you can climb up. Once there, paint the walkway back in and head left.Take care of the first Splatter you see, then dissolve the wall just past it. Turn the corner and defeat another Splatter, then dissolve the section of walkway underneath the barrier blocking your way. Thin the orange strip above the barrier so that it drops down, then paint the walkway back in and continue to the left.Defeat another Splatter, then dissolve the bright barrier in front of you, inside of which there is a run-down framework that you can destroy with a spin-attack. Jump through the broken girders, defeat one last Splatter, then dissolve the large metal wall.Once inside the area overlooking the main part of Tomorrow Square, look for the console with a gear on it. Jump up and spin the gear to get the Rocket Ride back online. Finally, head left from the console to find another trapped Gremlin, whom upon release will tell you about his friend Nova, a Gremlin trapped at the top of the Rocket Ride who can stop the People Movers.Instead of jumping back down to the main area from here, turn around and head back down the walkway you just travelled down.Near the bend in the walkway, jump to the Sky Tram car that moves back and forth along the line. Double-jump to the next two tram cars and then over to the plateau on the other side. Defeat or avoid the two Hoppers there, then open the treasure chest near the ledge to get Goofy's Left Leg.Jump back down to the main area and climb back up to the People Mover tracks and jump into one of the seats on the now-moving Rocket ride. Ride it to the top and jump off on the high platform to free Nova from his cage. As thanks, he will stop the cars on the track below so you can easily leave the area.Jump down to the tracks and head toward the exit, hanging a quick left where you'll find a treasure chest with a Gold Pin in it.Finally, turn and head down the hall to the projector screen exit.

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