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i think that they either ate cake or bread research it if u want bread, dried bread, barries, some bread made of hurbs and seeds, meat hunt in the forest, roots plus they had some support from the nearest villages.

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16y ago
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14y ago

In the Russian Revolution, the peasants were promised "peace, land and bread." This promise was not fulfilled, and many peasants starved which lead to stealing. They were caught and sent to concentration camps or were killed.

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14y ago

They did relatively nothing. The peasant population in Russia was huge. It was much larger than the population of industrial workers. A minuscule proportion of peasants who lived in cities participated in the food riots that set off the February Revolution; however, the peasant farmers did not join the demonstrations in the cities. They mostly sat back not even realizing what was going on.

In the October Revolution they did even less, because the October Revolution was just a military coup staged by the Bolshevik Party members to take the government away from the Provisional Government. Some, but not all workers and soldiers supported the Bolsheviks, but they did not revolt in the normal sense of that word.

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13y ago

Beans and Mexican food

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food :P

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