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Soccer was first played in an ancient form in China during the 2nd and 3rd Century BC. The Romans also played a distant representation of the game. But it was in Britain where soccer as we know it today was played mainly by public school students. But the hispanics won and the Brazilians were like OH YEAH England or Brazil


The 'Laws of the game' for 'Association football' also known as 'Soccer' were wrote by a man called Ebenezer C. Morley on behalf of the newly formed Football Association in 1863. They are based on earlier rules known as the Cambridge Rules written at Cambridge University for their own football team and other schools to use in an attempt to standardise the various football rules played at different educational establishments. The word soccer is a phonetic abbreviation of the word 'Association' coined by English public school students who took the 'soc' from 'Association' and put an 'er' on the end. That is why prior to 1863 the word soccer did not exist. It is probably worth noting the same students called Rugby football 'Rugger' but this word fell out of use.

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9y ago
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14y ago

Soccer was created when the Danes took over England in the 11th century, and an English man found a Danes skull. The English men loved to kick that skull with all their might, for they disliked the Danes very much.


The 'Laws of the game' for 'Association football' also known as 'Soccer' were wrote by a man called Ebenezer C. Morley on behalf of the newly formed Football Association in 1863. They are based on earlier rules known as the Cambridge Rules written at Cambridge University for their own football team and other schools to use in an attempt to standardise the various football rules played at different educational establishments. The word soccer is a phonetic abbreviation of the word 'Association' coined by English public school students who took the 'soc' from 'Association' and put an 'er' on the end. That is why prior to 1863 the word soccer did not exist. It is probably worth noting the same students called Rugby football 'Rugger' but this word fell out of use.

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14y ago

they created soccer for the enjoyment of athletes.


The creators of soccer were trying to standardise the many forms of football played in the UK. The 'Laws of the game' for 'Association football' also known as 'Soccer' were wrote by a man called Ebenezer C. Morley on behalf of the newly formed Football Association in 1863. They are based on earlier rules known as the Cambridge Rules written at Cambridge University for their own football team and other schools to use in an attempt to standardise the various football rules played at different educational establishments. The word soccer is a phonetic abbreviation of the word 'Association' coined by English public school students who took the 'soc' from 'Association' and put an 'er' on the end. That is why prior to 1863 the word soccer did not exist. It is probably worth noting the same students called Rugby football 'Rugger' but this word fell out of use.

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14y ago

There are many forms of football the oldest of which Episkyros or Phaininda was played 2000 BC (4000 years ago) in Ancient Greece. However, if you are specifically talking about Soccer, then I can state with absolute certainty that the man who drafted the 'Laws of the game' for 'Soccer' or 'Association football' was a man called Ebenezer Cobb Morley. Ebenezer along with other co-authors agreed the rules at a public house called the Freemasons Tavern in London on 26th October 1863. Morley became the Football Associations first secretary. He also founded the Barnes Football Club in 1862 which he captained against Richmond football club in the first ever soccer match. The game ended 0-0 but in a return game he scored the first ever goal. He died in 1924 and is buried at a Cemetery on Barnes Common not far from where he drafted the Laws of the game at 26 The Terrace, Barnes, London. A blue plaque commemorating his life's work was placed on the wall of this address by English Heritage in 2009

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9y ago

The 'Laws of the game' for 'Association football' also known as 'Soccer' were wrote by a man called Ebenezer C. Morley on behalf of the newly formed Football Association in 1863. They are based on earlier rules known as the Cambridge Rules written at Cambridge University for their own football team and other schools to use in an attempt to standardise the various football rules played at different educational establishments. The word soccer is a phonetic abbreviation of the word 'Association' coined by English public school students who took the 'soc' from 'Association' and put an 'er' on the end. That is why prior to 1863 the word soccer did not exist. It is probably worth noting the same students called Rugby football 'Rugger' but this word fell out of use.

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13y ago

people in china started to kick straw balls into Basketball hoops. the English then played it in the water and then combined it and got soccer. English were the goalkeepers and Chinese were the out field

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12y ago


Soccer was created in an attempt to standardise the many formes of football played in the UK. The 'Laws of the game' for 'Association football' also known as 'Soccer' were wrote by a man called Ebenezer C. Morley on behalf of the newly formed Football Association in 1863. They are based on earlier rules known as the Cambridge Rules written at Cambridge University for their own football team and other schools to use in an attempt to standardise the various football rules played at different educational establishments. The word soccer is a phonetic abbreviation of the word 'Association' coined by English public school students who took the 'soc' from 'Association' and put an 'er' on the end. That is why prior to 1863 the word soccer did not exist. It is probably worth noting the same students called Rugby football 'Rugger' but this word fell out of use.

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11y ago

Water paintings depict Chinese soldiers playing a form of Football (Soccer) which dates back over 3000 years ago. The game was used to condition their soldiers for war. Football has been played continously in one form or another over that period with various rules, although the basic rule of two nets and one ball was always adhered to. Organized Football (Meaning with proper rules) were first developed in England in the early 1800's.

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14y ago

In 45 A.D. By AK Pisco. He was walking along and stumbled upon an apple. he played hoothoot level 4 and destroyed it thus creating soccer(a cross of an orca and mewtwo)

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Was soccer the first sport invented?

no it was not

What countey was soccer first played?

Football was first invented and played by the English.

In what year was the first form of soccer invented?

in 1000 b.c

Who invented soccer ball?

In 1855, Charles Goodyear designed and built the first rubber soccer ball.

What came first baseball or soccer?

Soccer or games like it came first. In the Middle Ages they played games like soccer. Baseball was invented in the United States by Abner Doubleday in 1860.

When was the first soccer ball invented?

The year of 1981 or somthing like that

The first basketball?

When basketball was invented, the ball used was a soccer ball.

When the game of basketball was first invented what was the game played with?

it was a soccer ball

Who Invented the first soccer game?

Nobody did it went through F.I.F.A

What sport was invented first football or soccer?

Football ( rugby ) was invented from soccer, when some kids picked the ball up and decided to run with it and it is named rugby because that was the name of the school (in england) where the kids did that

When was soccer invented in England?

i think soccer was invented in 1633 or 1643

When was soccer invented and who?

It was made in 1883 but nobody knows who invented soccer