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lenin believed in a small, all-powerful government.

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13y ago

lenin beleived in a small , all-powerful government

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12y ago

Marx believed only in a Dictatorship of the proletariet, or workers, and Lenin icluded peasents to this so that he could have their support

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9y ago

Lenin believed in a small, all-powerful government

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Yes, Karl Marx married to Jenny von Westphalen in 19 June 1843

Why is Karl Marxs famous?

He co-authored the Communist Manifesto, along with Frederick Engels. It's the basic Communist doctrine.

What were 3 criticisms of Karl marxs theory of Communism?

1. It failed to explain how money gets that way - which Henry Miller later explained in his classic essay, "Money And How It Gets That Way." 2. It did not take into account the fact that the majority of people are greedy, illiterate slack-jawed ridge runners with the moral instincts of rutting bandicoots, and that consequently Communism was bound to fail because there would always be Communist bosses (Commissars) who would skim the cream off everything and treat the workers like yellow dogs - treat them in fact worse than the Czar did. 3. There were no jokes or illustrations in it, and no dirty parts.

What wuz the name of Karl Marxs two famous books?

i tink it wuz "Harree Pottur" and "2 Kille a Mokkingburd" what a jurk...U LIE!^^^^