Step one: Take a plastic wagon with a flat base and two wheels that doesn't have sides. Hopefully, the wagon will have slots in the base for planks of wood to be later put in. (the reason that I don't suggest for you to build a flat base is that the base will not be sturdy and will collapse and cause fatal injuries to you and the rider.)
Step two: Take four 2'x4'x8" and cut down into the appropriate lengths. Make sure that they slope down in the back to create the chariot effect. Then, place them into the slots at the bottom of the chariot base. This will create the frame for the chariot.
Step three: Cut cardboard so it will fit around the frame and paint.
Step four: Take two more 2'x4'x8" planks and secure them to the front of the chariot, creating the way to pull the chariot around.
Yeah, yeah. I know it's not the most detailed description, but hopefully it will give you an idea as to how to build something like this.
make a two wheeled cart pulled by two horses
Kapi Dhwaja (The Chariot With Monkey Lord, Hanumana on it's flag)
Yes it was. A hoplitodrome was a chariot race.
Hard to say, but think bigger than a Roman Chariot....if you go to London there is a statue on the embankment of her and the chariot
Cherub with Chariot Egg was created in 1888.
you can't
Well, it's actually quite simple: First, you-- Oh! A realchariot? I'm sorry. I only know how to build a fake chariot. My apologies.
buy it from the shop you will never succeed
make a two wheeled cart pulled by two horses
There is no Chariot
The Chariot
The chariot was invented by the Mesopotamians
A... chariot.
Yes, she had a silver chariot.
I'll see you at the chariot races! I am upgrading to a two-horse chariot.
this -:)
The plural of chariot is chariots