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The question is entirely too broad in scope to be answered through these pages. The social effects include manifestations of racism, the construction of identity, factors of stupefication, globalization, manifestations of violence, the role and empowerment of women, class antagonisms, social interactions, etc. The economic side is just as varied. These would include capitalistic exploitation, advertising, the influence of teams and leagues on national and local economies, the expansion of the underground market, class antagonisms, etc. The political effects are very broad as well. It has been argued that soccer has created wars, supported dictators, been used as a means of protesting oppression and dictators, allowed politically marginalized countries a voice, assisted in the dismantling of racist institutions such as apartheid, etc. A good starting point to follow up on these issues would be reading the book How Soccer Explains the World by Franklin Foer and reading Soccer Against the Enemy: How the World's Most Popular Sport Starts and Fuels Revolutions and Keeps Dictators in Power by Simon Kuper. In addition there is a scholarly journal dedicated to the subject title Soccer and Society.

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It affects people's lives by cerating a sense of passion , enthusiasm and also a good exercise to the mind, body and soul.

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by exercising

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Q: How soccer affects society socially economically and politically?
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How did the Industrial Revolution impact the American Society socially?

well the industrial revolution changed how we live today and also how we get around and all of our new inventions we use today was used back then and made back then so we can use it today

What is the reason why the computer affects the society?

One argument that computers are bad for society is that they allow people to communicate without any actual human involvement. People can become isolated with no human contact when they use a computer and rely on it instead of other people for contact.

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Science affecting politics and vice versa

Why was there a clash between the traditionalists and the modernists in the 1920's?

The 1920's were a time of great change in the United States of America. New ideas of how things should work socially, politically, and economically were taking shape as older, more traditional ideas struggled to maintain their foothold on the American people. Newly established ideas and institutions such as mass advertisement and organized crime were a manifestation of the conflict between modern and traditional ideas, as well as the cause for much tension between the two opposing sides of the issue. As time went on, things for people in the 20's definitely changed, despite the traditionalist efforts to maintain their values in a newly isolationist society after World War I.

Would you say that Christian Americans or Muslims and Arabs are socially compliant?

Your question makes a blazing generalization about lots of people by groups, which never makes sense in any context. Individuals choose to be 'socially compliant', situationally, depending on the society in which they find themselves.

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