Ex-boxer James "Bonecrusher" Smith is 64 years old (birthdate September 17, 1953).
James Smith (UK footballer) is 32 years old (birthdate October 17, 1985).
James David Smith (Australian cricketer) is 29 years old (birthdate October 11, 1988).
James Douglas Smith (ex-cricketer) is 40 years old (birthdate April 21, 1977).
Abolitionist James McCune Smith was 52 years old when he died on November 17, 1865. (birthdate April 18, 1813)
james smith
James smith
Yes, he married Eleanor Armor in 1760. He was about 41 years old at the time. She was 31 and was from Delaware. They had five children together.http://www.dsdi1776.com/Signers/James%20Smith.html
James Smith
Robert Smith and James Monroe
James McCune Smith was born on April 18, 1813 and died on November 17, 1865. James McCune Smith would have been 52 years old at the time of death or 202 years old today.
He will be 26 in May 2011.
Boxer James Smith is known in the ring as James "Bonecrusher" Smith.
James Smith III's birth name is James Heslep Smith III.
Jim Dale is 81 years old (born James Smith, August 15, 1935).
Jimmy Smith is 42 years old (birthdate: February 9, 1969).
James MacCallum Smith was born in 1868.
James Milton Smith died in 1890.
James Kellum Smith was born in 1893.
James Smith - frontiersman - was born in 1737.
James M. Smith died in 1898.
James K. A. Smith was born in 1970.