On the local level games are held depending on the State. My County has games depending on the sport maybe once or twice before the State Games. Indiana has the State Summer Games once a year. Go to specialolympics.org to learn more.
The Summer Olympics are held 4 years apart, The Winter Olympics are held 4 years apart, They alternate every 2 years. The Special Olympics are held immediatly after the regular Olympics
The first International Special Olympics were held in Soldier Field in Chicago, IL on 19 and 20 of July 1968.
every year
Every four years at the Temple of Zeus at Olympia in Elis.
The Olympics were nevered held in Seattle, Washington.
The Summer Olympics are held 4 years apart, The Winter Olympics are held 4 years apart, They alternate every 2 years. The Special Olympics are held immediatly after the regular Olympics
They held with Olympics that is in every fouth year
The first International Special Olympics were held in Soldier Field in Chicago, IL on 19 and 20 of July 1968.
4 years
both are/were held every 4 years, or as the ancient Greeks called it, every olympiad
The Special Olympics is held around the University of Nebraska Lincoln and the Lincoln community.
The Olympics were never held in Ireland, however in 2003 Ireland hosted the Special Olympics which was the first time they were held outside of the US.
every year
The Olympics are held once every four years.
the Olympics were originally held every four years when the Greeks created it , ( just as it is now )
they are held every 4 years
The Olympics have never been held in Dublin. However, in 2003, the Special Olympics World Summer Games were held in Dublin.