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Q: How much would an average medieval peasant have to pay on taxes?
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What would a medieval peasant eat at a feasts?

pork or chicken or any type of meat they could kill animals for!

How much money did a peasant have?

The peasant had very little money. They owed taxes for just about everything including death. As a tenant farmer for the manor/estate they were given a small strip of land to grow food so some sold what they didn't eat. Life was very hard and they had very little.

Why do serfs and peasants didn't run away in medieval times?

They had no money to travel anyway unless they walked. Were would they head? No matter where they went they still would have been a peasant.

Give us facts about medieval life?

The medival life was a life where it depned on what your job was. For exmaple if you were a lord your life would be great. You would be rich,comfortable, and have lots of food. But if you were a peasant your life was tough. You were poor,uncofebmable, and you could never be rich. If you were a peasant your kids would be peasants and your grandkids would be peasants.

What was the essence of life for peasants in 1788?

In 1788 there were no peasants since it is 200 years after the middle ages. __ There were peasants in Europe after the Middle Ages. LOTS of peasants. Russia had a large peasant population up to the Revolution. As did virtually every country in Europe. China also had a large peasant population. The Middle Ages had NOTHING to do with the end of peasant life. Peasant life would have been hard. Difficult work, no education and little opportunity to leave the land. It would not have been very different than the life of a peasant during the Medieval period.

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What would a medieval peasant live in?

a pig 43235tgfvrhdjnfg

What social class was the medieval gamekeeper in?

The gamekeeper would have been in the peasant class.

Were did peasants sleep in Europe?

In medieval Europe a peasant would sleep on a simple mattress filled with straw.

What is a medieval peasant lifestyle?

their average life span was about 30 yrs, they ate mainly bread, slept in tiny huts sometimes with the farm animals, and they would only have a break on sunday form their work

What would a medieval peasant eat at a feasts?

pork or chicken or any type of meat they could kill animals for!

How did the Italian renaissance change italy?

it gave all of Italy more culture,difrent from the medieval times,because in the medieval times there was barley any art and every thing you would of been if you were their,you would be what your father,if your father was a peasant a peasant now you are what you can do,and the art is so much more detailed.

What where bags made from in the medieval times?

bags in the medieval times were made of hay and left over straw (if you were a peasant)but if you where nobal you would have your bag made of cloth or silk.

How could a peasant woman get to heaven in Medieval Times?

By living a pious life and performing the rites and rituals of the church (which, in medieval times would have generally been the catholic church in western Europe). Or she could have bought an indulgence form the Pope, if she had money, but, as a peasant, she wouldn't have.

How long did the average peasant live?

I would say about 25 years

What was the food a medieval peasant would eat?

A little meat on occasions and a whole lot of starches from root vegetables and grains.

How much money did a peasant have?

The peasant had very little money. They owed taxes for just about everything including death. As a tenant farmer for the manor/estate they were given a small strip of land to grow food so some sold what they didn't eat. Life was very hard and they had very little.

How medieval peasant cleaned thir homes?

Medieval people didn't clean their homes their floors were made out of hay and discarded bones rubbish and excrement's. The housewives would push this out on to the street twice a year.