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Anywhere between 200-thousands of dollars depending on tpye.

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Q: How much did a machine gun cost in 1914?
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How much does the machine gun cost?

1000-100000 USD

When was Canadian Automobile Machine Gun Brigade created?

Canadian Automobile Machine Gun Brigade was created in 1914.

How much does a mini machine bb gun cost?

Anywhere from $50-$250

How much does a RPD machine gun cost?

$450 USD open market used

Is the 1914 water cooled machine gun Canadian?

You need to give a specific nomenclature. The only machine gun I can think of offhand which had the nomenclature of "M"/"Model"/etc. 1914 is the Hotchkiss Mle 1914 machine gun, which was neither water cooled nor Canadian - it was French and air cooled.

How much dies a scar machine gun cost?

The Scar - L Costs $2700 USD

How much does a mac10 machine gun cost?

Around $5,000 for a LEGAL, transferrable MAC-10.

How much was a machine gun machine gun in 1969?

Depends on the machine gun. Anywhere from $100 to several thousand dollars

How do you find information on a gun company in the 1950s called Prize Machine Gun?

I found this. "PRIZE MACHINE GUN and PRIZE MACHINE GUN CO. were made by Simonis, Janssen & Dumoulin who was located in Leige,Belgium from 1873 to 1914." "The name MACHINE GUN has nothing to do with a rapid fire repeating gun. It means the gun was made on machinery as opposed to being hand made and fitted."

How has the machine gun changed over the years?

materials, cost,

What does a PKM machine gun cost?

$2150 USD in 2014

What is the difference between maxim gun amd machine gun?

Machine gun is a much broader category, which includes both current and obsolete models. The Maxim gun is a specific type of machine gun, and an obsolete one, at that.