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There have been 15 unassisted triple plays in Major League history.

Neal Ball SS July 19, 1909 2nd Caught line drive, Touched 2nd, Tagged runner.

Bill Wambsganss 2B October 10, 1920 5th Caught line drive, Touched 2nd, Tagged runner. (World Series Game)

George Burns 1B September 14, 1923 2nd Caught line drive, Tagged runner off 1st, Touched 2nd before runner returned.

Ernie Padgett SS October 6, 1923 4th Caught line drive, Touched 2nd, Tagged runner. Glenn Wright SS May 7, 1925 9th Caught line drive, Touched 2nd, Tagged runner.

Jimmy Cooney SS May 30, 1927 4th Caught line drive, Touched 2nd, Tagged runner.

Johnny Neun 1B May 31, 1927 9th Caught line drive, Tagged runner off 1st, Touched 2nd before runner returned.

Ron Hansen SS July 30, 1968 1st Caught line drive, Touched 2nd, Tagged runner.

Mickey Morandini 2B September 20, 1992 6th Caught line drive, Touched 2nd, Tagged runner.

John Valentin SS July 8, 1994 6th Caught line drive, Touched 2nd, Tagged runner.

Randy Velarde 2B May 29, 2000 6th Caught line drive, Tagged runner, Touched 2nd.

Rafael Furcal SS August 10, 2003 5th Caught line drive, Touched 2nd, Tagged runner.

Troy Tulowitzki SS April 29, 2007 7th Caught line drive, Touched 2nd, Tagged runner. Asdrubal Cabrera 2B May 12, 2008 Caught line drive, touched 2nd, tagged runner. Eric Bruntlett 2B August 23, 2009 9th (game ending) Caught line drive, touched 2nd, tagged runner.

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Yes, there have been 15 players in Major League Baseball history that have accomplished the feat of turning an unassisted Triple Play. The Cleveland Indians' Asdrubal Cabrera, Oakland Athletics' Randy Velarde, Boston's John Valentin, Washington's Ron Hansen in 1968, Detroit's Johnny Neun from 1927, Boston's George Burns from 1923, Cleveland's Bill Wamsganss from 1920 and Cleveland's Neal Ball from 1909 are the American League players that accomplished the feat. The Philadelphia Phillies' Eric Bruntlett, Colorado Rockies' Troy Tulowitzki, Atlanta Braves' Rafael Furcal, Philadelphia's Mickey Morandini, Chicago's Jimmy Cooney, Pittsburgh's Glenn Wright and Boston's Ernie Padgett are the National League players that accomplished the feat. The earliest unassisted Triple Play to date that's currently on record would be the one that happened on July 19, 1909 which was the one that Cleveland's Neal Ball turned. The unassisted Triple Play that Bill Wamsganns performed is the only unassisted Triple Play to date that has been turned during a World Series game.

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Major league baseball?

Yep, Major League Baseball or MLB.

Is Major League Baseball fake?

No. Major League Baseball is real.