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Q: How many times was bozela found guilty?
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How many US government officials had been impeached before 1867?

One Senator was impeached and found guilty, three Federal Judges were impeached and two were found guilty, one supreme court justice found not guilty and one President found not guilty.

How many punishments were there in medieval times?

there were many but these are some of them Ordeal by fire- the accused person had to hold a red hot stick of iron in both his hands and take 3 or 4 steps forward. then his hands get bandaged up and are checked a few days later. if they have started to heal then they are innocent if they havn't started to heal they are guilty. Ordeal by water- they were tied up and chucked in the ocean and if they floated then they were innocent, if they sunk they were guilty. Ordeal by combat- The noble who was accused had to fight the person that accused them. if the accused person won they were innocent if they lost they would be guilty and also dead! If you were found guilty of theft you would have both your hands cut off. if you were a women who had comitted murder then you were strangled then burnt. high treason- you would be hung, drawn and quatered. if you were found hunting illegally then you would have you ears chopped off!

How many years was John Wilkes Booth in prison for?

He was killed after two weeks after the assissination of President Lincoln and therefore was never found guilty by a court of law. He never served any time in prison.

How many people were found guilty in the Boston Massacre?

The officer and eight soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre were defended in court by John Adams and Josiah Quincy II, assisted by Sampson Salter Blowers and Paul Revere. The officer and six soldiers were acquitted (found not guilty) and two were found guilty of manslaughter. The two convicted were sentenced to death but invoked a procedure called "benefit of clergy" which allowed reduced sentences for first time offenders. Their sentence was reduced to branding their thumbs in open court. Four civilians were also tried and acquitted. The principle witness against them was convicted of perjury, whipped, and banished from the Province.

What did Stalin do to those that were found guilty in court?

Depending on the crime and the person involved, some were shot; some imprisoned; some exiled within the country and some exiled out of the country. Many suffered all four types of sentences.

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Which businesses have been found guilty of committing a crime?

Many heads of politics such as Barbara Rose Collins was found guilty in her political career. Many books and articles were written on this issue. Many political leaders were found guilty.

How many US government officials had been impeached before 1867?

One Senator was impeached and found guilty, three Federal Judges were impeached and two were found guilty, one supreme court justice found not guilty and one President found not guilty.

How many were found guilty from the blacklists?

all but 2

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Tom Robinson dies after the verdict. After being found guilty of a crime he did not commit, Tom tries to escape from prison and is shot dead by guards.

How many women were put to death for being found guilty of witchcraft?

Over 9000

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How many president have been removed from office by being found guilty after impeachment?

None. Two presidents have been impeached but neither was found guilty by the Senate after impeachment by the House of Representatives.

How many witches has Matthew Hopkins accused?

1,678900 were accused and only 2,67840 were found "guilty"

How many times is the word 'bless' found in the Bible?

"Bless" is found 127 times in the KJV. "Blessed" is found 302 times. "Blessing" is found 67 times.

How do you spell innoncent?

The correct spelling is innocent. The jury found him innocent of all charges. Many innocent persons are also charged, found guilty, and jailed.

How many times is teach ne found in bible?

'Teach' is found in the Bible 169 times.

How many times is the word fool found in the Bible?

It is found 69 times in the King James.