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Q: How many team will play in 2011 cricket world cup?
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Related questions

Do they play cricket in Canada?

Yes, first time to play in 2011 Cricket World Cup.

Where the 2011 cricket World Cup will play?

The 2011 cricket world cup will be hosted by India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

How many venues are there in Bangladesh for the 2011 world cup cricket?

Chittagong and Dhaka are the two venues at Bangladesh to play for ICC world Cup 2011.

How many play will occur in Bangladesh in world cup cricket 2011?

8 matches will be played in bangladesh.

How do you multiplay cricket 2011 on PC?

You can download the game Cricket World Cup 2011 game for pc. You can play multiplayer using keyboard and joystick..

Where play cricket worldcup t20 2011and which month?

There is no t20 world cup in 2011, it is in 2012.

How many countries play cricket in the world?

104 countries

How many cricket clubs play in the bendigo cricket association?

13 cricket clubs play in the bendigo cricket association.

Where you can play cricket in the world?

In iceland

Whose inclusion in the Indian Cricket team to play the world cup 2011 surprised people?

Type your answer here... Piyush Chawla

How many cricket fans are there in the world?

no offense that is a stupid question because nobody knows how many people play cricket because people play in the street, on fields and playing proper cricket. so i would say at least a billion play for fun in the street and about 75 million play for cubs

Who goes through in cricket world cup?

the teams which play international cricket!\