Both teams including coaches get a ring, but the winning team's rings say champions on them?
No, he does have a Super Bowl ring.
Kurt Warner has one Super Bowl ring. He was the MVP in Super Bowl XXXIV.
Yes they do. The loosing team from the Super Bowl receives a Super Bowl ring as well, but it is half the cost of the winning Super Bowl team's Super Bowl ring. Many players choose not to wear those rings, because it symbolizes defeat.
David Carr has one Super Bowl ring. He was a part of Super Bowl XLVI and received his first ring as a member of the New York Giants in 2012.
Keenan McCardell has a super bowl ring from the 1992 Super Bowl XXVI or the 1991 Redskins team. Keenan did not play but still qualified for a ring. He also has one from the XXXVII Super Bowl or the 2003 game or the 2002 Tampa Bay Bucs. Good questions not many people know he has TWO RINGS.
Aaron Rodgers has one Super Bowl ring from Super Bowl XLV.
There is usually around 63 carats in a Super Bowl Ring.
No, he does have a Super Bowl ring.
A ring is a ring you get after winning the super bowl(championship)... this ring is given to everyone in the franchise and is very expensive.
Kurt Warner has one Super Bowl ring. He was the MVP in Super Bowl XXXIV.
Yes they do. The loosing team from the Super Bowl receives a Super Bowl ring as well, but it is half the cost of the winning Super Bowl team's Super Bowl ring. Many players choose not to wear those rings, because it symbolizes defeat.
Larry Fitzgerald has never won a Super Bowl ring.
No, Al Harris will not get a Super Bowl Ring because entering the Super Bowl he was not on the Packers roster.
probably yes you could sell a super bowl ring
By winning the Super Bowl.