842 players have been banned from then nhl, the overwhelming majority came during the late 80's for consuming drugs on ice.
As of now, there are no openly gay hockey players in the NHL. However, in a recent poll of all NHL players, over 80% of them said they believe they have a gay teammate.
That is how many players is needed on a NHL team.
This question is difficult to answer as the AHL is the main development league for the NHL. While some gifted players come right out of junior, college or Europe and step right into the NHL, the vast majority of NHL players have played in the AHL at some point for varying amounts of time until they have developed their skills. There is, obviously, no rule about how many players can come from the minor league. NHL teams recall their players as they see a need.
There have been a total 212 Minnesotans in the NHL (197 skaters + 15 goaltenders) as of January 2011. Minnesota has produced the most NHL players from the U.S. states.
All of the teams in the NHL have American players.
There are 37 Russian Born Players in NHL
13 players
13 players
AnswerThere are 23 players on an NHL team,20 players dress for each game, while 3 sit out.
8 White Sox players were banned from baseball.
As of now, there are no openly gay hockey players in the NHL. However, in a recent poll of all NHL players, over 80% of them said they believe they have a gay teammate.
That is how many players is needed on a NHL team.