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A total of 25 players in MLB history have combined for at least 400 HRs and 2500 hits.

Player HR Hits

H Aaron 755 3771

S Musial 475 3630

C Yastrzemski 452 3419

W Mays 660 3283

E Murray 504 3255

C Ripken 431 3184

D Winfield 465 3110

R Palmeiro 569 3020

F Robinson 586 2943

A Rodriguez 654 2939

B Bonds 762 2935

M Ott 511 2876

B Ruth 714 2873

K Griffey 630 2781

A Dawson 438 2774

C Jones 468 2726

L Gehrig 493 2721

Billy Williams 426 2711

G Sheffield 509 2689

T Williams 521 2654

J Foxx 534 2646

V Guerrero 449 2590

R Jackson 563 2584

E Banks 512 2583

M Ramirez 555 2573

Adrian Beltre will likely join that list towards the end of the 2014 season.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 1y ago

As of June 2021, there are only 9 players in Major League Baseball history who have achieved both 400 home runs and 2500 hits. They are Hank Aaron, Willie Mays, Albert Pujols, Alex Rodriguez, Babe Ruth, Eddie Murray, Jimmie Foxx, Rafael Palmeiro, and Manny Ramirez.

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