The figure is huge, for the last world cup over a billion people watched it.
There are many reasons for why people watch (American) football. Americans in particular watch football because it can be a tradition for some families. Others simply enjoy the sport and watch the game.
35 million people will e watching the NCAA Rose Bowl in 2009.
either football, that is American football or English football, both are more popular than tennis.
no its baseball, but people watch football more often. Plus, more people will show up to the Superbowl than the World Series.
In France, soccer is known as football. Not many people play the American version of football in France. It is impossible to know exactly how many people play football in a given country.
There are many people that watch football on Sundays. It is guessed that roughly sixty-four percent of all Americans watch NFL football on Sundays. Seventy-three percent of American men watch it on Sundays.
about 70000 people
no one, football (soccer) is better.
because people know they are crap so they watch football to entertain themselves
There are many reasons for why people watch (American) football. Americans in particular watch football because it can be a tradition for some families. Others simply enjoy the sport and watch the game.
around 80,000
Not that many because it is not broadcasted a lot. football is the most watched sport.
Exactly how they tell how many people watch a show or football game. The channel provider gives them the information.
Rugby is nothing compared to football. So up urs
I have no idea how many people watch television worldwide, but too many is probably an understatement.
Soccer is watched more because football only comes on once a week. Most people I know watch baseball more than soccer or football because there are so many more games a year.
35 million people will e watching the NCAA Rose Bowl in 2009.