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There is no exact number of how many people attended the ancient Olympics, but they were known to draw large crowds. All free Greek males were allowed to participate in the event no matter their social standing.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

== == Ancient Olympic Games included representatives of different city states in ancient Greece. Although athletes from any country could compete they had to be free men and had to speak greek. Athletes from Rome and Armenia are known to have competed. It is not clear exactly how many countries took part. Only myth has survived.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

To start, there were no female competitors. It was a male only olympics.

The Olmpic Games can be traced back to 776BC at which point it was a male only competition. After a break of around 1500 years, Baron Pierre de Coubertin resurrected the games to become the Modern Olympic Games in 1896 where there were 241 participants. Women did not compete until 4 years later in the 1900 Games held in Paris, even then only 22 are listed as competing compared to the 975 men. The Olympics were cancelled in 1916, 1940 and 1944 due to the World Wars. The first Winter Olympics were held in Chamonix in 1924 with 11 female participants and 247 males. The first Paralympics (not just for war veterans) were held in 1960 in Rome, and the first Winter Paralympics were held in 1976 in Örnsköldsvik, Sweden.

To date, the 2008 Beijing games have been the largest with 11,028 competitors. The next Winter Olympics are to be held this year (2010) in Vancouver from 12 Feb. The Summer Olympics will be held in the city of London in 2012.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

During ancient times, the Olympics gave men an opportunity to display their strength. Historical records indicate that between 100 and 150 men, on average, competed in the Olympics.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

There were usually 130 people who competed each year.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Aggg ovease enfinety

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