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all players on the team get their names on the cup

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Q: How many games does a goalie need to play to get his name on the syanley cup?
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Related questions

Whats the name of the goalie?

The goalie.

What is the name of the NJ Devils hockey goalie?

The #1 goalie on the team is Martin Brodeur. The backup goalie's name is Kevin Weekes.

What is the name of the Belgian goalie?

a goalie is called the 'keeper' or the 'doelman'

Was there ever a goalie to win 4 games straight in the Stanley cup finals after his team was down 3 to 0?

Yes, there are many. One is from the 2010 Philadelphia Flyer's by the name of Micheal Leighton.

Name the goalie of Vancouver hockey?

The Vancouver Canucks current goalie is Ruberto Lungo, but I'm not sure if that is how his name is spelled.

Who was the first goalie to put his name on the chin of his mask?


Name of the sixth position in ice hockey?


Where can goalie masks be purchased from?

Goalie masks can be purchased from the following places: Hockey Giant, Goalie Monkey, Eye Candy Air, Warwick Mask, Pure Goalie, Amazon, eBay, Discount Goalie, The Hockey Shop, Sport Mask, to name a few.

What is the Greek's woman's water polo goalie name?

Maria Tsouri.

What are the name of the positions used in the game?

there is mid feild, defense, attack, and goalie

How do you use the word goalie in a sentence in possessive form?

A possessive noun is used to modify a noun that is the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition.The possessive form of the noun goalie is goalie's.Examples:The goalie's face is familiar. (face is the subject of the sentence)The puck that the goalie's move blocked flew into the air. (move is the subject of the relative clause)The mask hid the goalie's expression. (expression is the direct object of the verb)They misspelled the name on the goalie's jersey. (jersey is the object of the preposition.

What is a name for a hockey player that rhymes with wholly?

The name you're looking for is probably "Goalie." You know, the person who stands in front of the net trying to block shots like a boss. So next time you're watching a game, just yell "Go, Goalie, go!" and you'll sound like a true hockey expert.