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Q: How many flags can NFL have in one game?
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What is the most flags thrown in one nfl game combined?


How many watches NFL in US?

at its peak 7.2 million people watched any nfl game at one time

How much beer is drank in one NFL game?

approximitly 300 gallons of beer are drank in one NFL game

How many two-minute warnings are in an NFL game?

There are two two-minute warnings in a NFL game. One at the end of the first half and one at the end of the game.

How many players are allowed to play in any one NFL football game?

An NFL team is allowed to have 45 players dressed for a regular season or playoff game. All 45 players may compete in the game.

How many injuries are there in one NFL game?

0 to 6 injuries happen a game i'd say double dig my nig.

How many flags does Ohio have?

they only have one

Where can one find Harley Davidson flags?

Harley-Davidson flags are available online from many retailers. One can find a variety of flags available on ebay while they can also be purchased from Amazon and Biker Flags.

From where can one purchase NFL Street?

There are many places that one might purchase the game NFL Street. As it is a fairly old game (it was originally published in 2004) the best place to look would be either a second hand seller on Amazon or eBay or at your local game trading store.

What NFL team has not won a game in 2008?

no one lost a game in 2008

How many referees in a pro football game?

There is one referee and six other officials on the field during an NFL game. Click on the 'NFL Officials' link on this page to see the duties of each official on the field and what equipment they use during the game.

How many theme parks are there in the Six Flags company?

There are 12 Six Flags Corporation theme parks. There is one in Canada, and one in Mexico.