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Q: How many concussions can an NFL player have before they cannot play in the NFL anymore?
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How many concussions can you withstand before you die?

Well some football players have over 100. Read this recent article from CNN I've never heard of a football player to get 100 concussions, that i think is impossible. i have had 6 concussions in my lifetime and i am a sophmore in high school. I'm no doctor but i know that this is terrible for me and i still have reprocussions from it. I'm still playing but i have heard that if you have more then 7 you have a shot at dieing well most football players do, and yes ive had 6, there is also a marine from my town that had to check for IED's and he had 8 and the service wont let me him go back.

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No, it cannot. Farmville is completely dependent on Flash player in order to run. Your laptop will need to have Flash player installed before you can play the game.

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Haha... I am not a famous basketball player. Hardly even a basketball player anymore. - Ben Kimsal

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He was in 2008 but is not even a starting player anymore so not anymore maybee further in his career when he is older!

Your DVD player stopped reading DVDs?

Either the player is wearing out or the DVD is badly scratched and therefore it cannot play anymore. A solution would be to either get a new DVD player if thhe player is the problem, or buy a new disc of the movie if the disc is the problem. You can even purchase a DVD player lens cleaner which is actually a DVD that cleans the gears inside the player.

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