Walter Payton had 86 career fumbles, 21 recovered by him or his team, 65 lost.
The 86 fumbles was still the Chicago Bears individual career record 30 years after his retirement and 18 years after his death in 1999. He also holds the Bears career rushing and career touchdown records.
57 times
During the regular season, Jerome Bettis fumbled a total of 41 times in his career.
2 fumbles
Walter Johnson had 24 Career home runs.
21,803 ... 16,726 rushing, 4,538 receiving, and 539 on kick returns.
as a pro, 86 times.
1 billion
16,727. Walter Payton ended his career with 16,726 yards rushing.
Joe montanna had 53 career fumbles
Walter payton has 16,726 rushing yards
Terry Bradshaw had 3 fumbles in his Super Bowl career.
Walter Payton played a total of 180 games in his career.
57 times
He has fumbled 80 times in his career
Except for strike years Payton missed playing in only one game in his career, that being in his rookie season of 1975.