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Q: How many bunkers on an average golf course?
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Related questions

Explain the slope rating on a golf course?

Slope rating is the difficulty of the golf course. The higher the rating, then the more difficult one should have. The greens are faster, the course is hilly, and there are many more bunkers.

What is the average walking distance in golf?

The average golf course in the United States is approximately 7,200 yards, give or take a 100 depending on the handicap. --------------- You forgot to take into account the distance between holes which can add as much as 2000-3000 yards depending on the course. As someone who has played golf for 30 years (most of it walking) I would say the average distance to walk a course from the 1st tee to the 18th green is 6-7 miles.

How many holes are on the golf course?


How many blades are there in a golf course?

a lot

Is golf played in Australia?

Yes, golf is played in Australia. There are many world class Australian golf professionals.

How many holes are played in a championship golf tournament?

Generally 72 - eighteen holes a day for four consecutive days.

Is Aberdeen in Scotland a golf course?

There are many golf courses in Aberdeen and the surrounding area.

Why would a golf course have less biodiversity than a natural ecosystem?

not many animals live on a golf course by lots of animals live in a natural ecosystem, so the golf course has less biodiversity

How can a Club Car golf cart help manage a golf course business?

A Club Car golf cart can help manage a golf course business in many ways. The main way Club Car golf cart help manage a golf course business is by being rented for money.

How many holes are on a spanish golf course?


How many hole are on a standard golf course?


What resorts offer golf facilities in Spain?

There are many resorts in Spain that offer good golf facilities. The most popular resort in Spain with a golf course is the La Cala Resort. This golf course is one of the best in Spain.